Go There Before You Get There!

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To write this article, I looked deep into my soul and looked at the things I wanted in life.  I hope to shed some light on each and every one of you to make you realize your dreams and your goals are not stamped so we have no say, you have the choice of your destiny.  Is there something better out there? This is the question that plagued me in my younger years of life, and please follow along, as I feel so many of you will share the same story that I did.  Remember, it’s never too late to become everything that you want to be!  

So when I was young I grew up in a very nice, middle-class household.  I was brought up, as many of you were, to work hard and make a living.  But there was always something missing for me.  I wanted more – I wanted better, wanted bigger!  It’s amazing the influence that people can have in your life. 

When I was 19, and working very hard, one of the things that I wanted most in life was a brand-new car.  Well, the opportunity arose and there was a chance for me to purchase this beautiful, triple black Cadillac Deville.  It was one of the proudest moments of my life – imagine, I was 19 years old with a beautiful Cadillac in my driveway. 

Now this decision did not come right away – I actually went to the dealership, sat in the car, and drove one.  But then my mind was made up that this was the car of my dreams and I would own one.  So many people will drive by the dealership and look out the window and say, “I’ll never be able to afford that car.” You know what my friends?  You’re absolutely right, you won’t – and that’s because you just put that out into the universe.  That’s what happens if you don’t go there before you get there – then you’ll never get there!  These are life experiences that you have to put into your mind and believe with such conviction that it will happen, because you make it happen. 

So that’s my story – I was so proud of my new purchase, I couldn’t wait to show my parents my new car.  I spent the day washing and waxing and polishing it, in anticipation of how heavily for me while my hard work was paying off.  When I pulled up to my parents’ driveway and beeped the horn I was full of sheer excitement and anticipation.  They opened the front door and came into the driveway, and my face was an ear to ear grin – unable to contain myself.  And I said, “So what do you think?”  And well, it wasn’t quite the response that I expected.  “What do we think?” They exclaimed.  “What are you trying to do, keep up with the Joneses?”

Needless to say, I was crushed!  I had to work so hard to get something to achieve my goal, and get it for myself, and I was devastated. I couldn’t sleep that night, and the next morning I got up, I took the day off, and I drove my Cadillac to a Ford dealership – yes, a Ford dealership.  I actually traded my new car in after only one day and bought a Ford.  And my parents were now happy, because I got back into their “class”, and they weren’t concerned anymore that nobody would talk about them and instead they would talk all about me.

I tell you this because I went there and I saw a better life in front of me.  I got there because of my conviction to be someone better.  And I was crushed because someone said I shouldn’t be better than where I came from.  I learned a very expensive, invaluable lesson that day: Don’t let anybody steal your dreams!  Drive a Ferrari, look at that mansion, test drive that car!  You deserve to live a better life and the life that you want.  Those things are there for the taking – and if you believe, you’re going to receive.


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